Windows 11 Widgets Need Improved Stability

Windows 11 Widgets Need Improved Stability

OK, then. I just happened to check Reliability Monitor (ReliMon) on one of my Windows 11 test PCs. I’d been using it as the platform to put Widgets through their paces late last week. If you look to the right-hand of the reliability graph, you’ll see it craters as I do so. In fact, between June 22 and 27 CoreWidgetProvider accounts for 9 of 11 MoAppCrash errors inside the Dev Home app over that 6-day period. Hence my assertion: Windows 11 Widgets Need Improved Stability.

Why Say: Windows 11 Widgets Need Improved Stability?

Simply put: that’s a LOT of crashing just for using Widgets through Dev Home. For the record MoAppCrash is shorthand for Mobile Application Crash, and goes to the coreclr.dll element in that app. Methinks MS Needs to check this out and figure out how to boost its uptime or resilience. AFAICT this comes from pinning Widgets to the Dev Home dashboard and letting them run. That should be a pretty non-controversial action, right?

That said, the full name of Dev Home right now is indeed “Dev Home (Preview).” That means it’s not fully cooked yet. So you knew there had to be something about it that might not be ready for prime time. What do you bet this is part of that in some way?

What to Do? What to Do?

I’ll be reporting this to Feedback Hub. If you see it on your PCs you should do likewise,  or upvote my item. If MS really wants to supplant Vista Gadgets with Widgets, looks like they’ve got some work to do!



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