Category Archives: Updates

WinGet Boosts Chrome Update Capability

Here’s an interesting item. Previously, WinGet wouldn’t update Chrome on Windows PCs where it was running. Now it will, because WinGet boosts Chrome update capability. It now runs the installer with admin privileges to overcome the maxim “don’t mess with running processes.” You can see it working in the lead-in graphic, where the text reads (in yellow):

The installer will request to run as administrator, expect a prompt.

If WinGet Boosts Chrome Update Capability, Users Benefit

This means users must still Relaunch Chrome to get the update to take, though WinGet applies the update. Previously, WinGet would just skip the whole thing. Now, the next time users open that browser, the new update will take over (or, they can manually use the Relaunch button themselves).

After WinGet does its thing, Relaunch remains required to leave running processes undisturbed.

Will Other Browser Makers Follow Suit?

Here’s a shout out to the dev teams for Edge, Mozilla/Firefox (and variations), Opera, and others. Take heed of this Chrome action and do likewise. Your users — including your truly, most fervently — will thank you.

It’s just another small step for WinGet. But it translates into a big boost for the Windows user base. Keep up the good work, people!

New PowerShell Version Out, Too…

While I’ve got your eye, a new PowerShell version — v7.5.0 — is out. It’s still new enough that WinGet won’t install it yet. If you, like me, are OCD enough to want to run it before it gets into the pipeline, download it from the assets on the Release v7.5.0 page.

Note added 15 minutes later: Nevermind, it’s already showing up in WinGet. I should’ve known @Denelon and the team wouldn’t sit on their hands here. Another attaboy for that group and the PowerShell team. Good-oh.

Here, you can see the old 7.4.6 windows left, and a new 7.5.0 window right. God: I *LOVE* Windows Terminal.


Unexpected BIOS UEFI Update Adventures

When Lenovo Vantage popped up a notification yesterday that the ThinkStation P3 Ultra needed a BIOS/UEFI update, I thought nothing of it. But as the process dragged on … and on …. and on some more, I started to get a little concerned. Indeed, I found myself enmeshed in unexpected BIOS UEFI update adventures as what I thought might take 10-15 minutes took about an hour, all told.

But there is a happy ending. Though it took much longer than it ever has before, the update complete successfully. And the machine continues humming along, happily doing what I ask it to. That’s a relief!

Describing Unexpected BIOS UEFI Update Adventures

This may be the third such update I’ve gone through with this machine. Across all my many Lenovos over the years, loaners and review units included, I’ve probably performed over 200 such updates. That’s a big reason why this particular one took me somewhat by suprise.

Here’s a list of symptoms:
1. After the BIOS update completed, the PC rebooted yet one more time. It usually comes back up in no more than 30 seconds. This time, it took between 1 and 2 minutes.
2. Upon restarting the machine showed a black screen — no Lenovo logo for the boot splash screen showed up for at least another 30 seconds. Normally, this pops right up.
3. After the Logo showed up center screen, it took longer than usual for the “Energy Star” and “TCO certified” logos to show up bottom right. Again, this added another 30 seconds or so to the delay.
4. During that first reboot cycle, the PC rebooted itself again (never seen this before). This time the screen stayed black even though the monitor power indicator stayed on. I had to cold start the PC (turn off the power, wait 30 seconds, turn the power back on) to resume start-up.
5. After this second unexpected restart, the P3 took well over a minute to get to the splash screen. Getting to the spinning circle took longer than usual as well, but it booted into Windows 11. It’s now showing 24H2 Build 26100.3894 (current).

Post-update, the P3 takes about 10 seconds from the Lenovo boot splash to show TCO and Energy Star logos. Another 10 seconds to get to the spinning circle. Another 15 seconds before the lock/login screen appears. Thus, total boot time is now around 35 seconds or so. That’s not too bad, actually.

Why the Kerfluffle?

Copilot tells me extended boot delays after UEFI update can arise from compatibility issues, switching all settings to their defaults, “re-learning” of hardware  (I’ve seen this with memory on the P16 but that posts an on-screen message and nothing like that showed up on the P3), and “additional error checking or diagnostics during boot.” I’m guessing this update included a bigger change delta than older ones, and that some of the final category (diagnostics and error checks) also got thrown in.

As for the cold start, Copilot says it happens when the system needs to “properly recognize all components” after a UEFI update. I can see that, particularly if related aspects in the UEFI have changed since the preceding version. That would absolutely force a complete, new device enumeration, which may have been needed in this case.

At any rate, it turned into more of an adventure than I expected. And I learned a few things along the way. Glad the machine is running now, and appears to be working well. Fun, fun, fun here in Windows-World these days!


8GadgetPack Is Now Just GadgetPack

We returned from our holiday travels over the weekend, and I’ve been slowly getting back into the groove here at Chez Tittel. While I didn’t apparently miss many updates or upgrades, one interesting item popped up. Helmut Buhler has renamed his epic 8GadgetPack tool to drop the leading 8 — making it GadgetPack — with a similarly truncated website to match. Hence my claim that 8GadgetPack is now just GadgetPack. But boy, does it bring a lot of welcome changes, too. Let me explain.

If 8GadgetPack Is Now Just GadgetPack, Changes Follow

You can see the complete list of changes to this essential Windows toolkit (IMHO, anway) in its December 25 changelog entry. But a quick look at the lead-in graphic shows some changes emphatically. The new version is at left, and the old at right, showing my go-to gadgets on Windows physical and virtual desktops everywhere. You can see a newer, more stripped-down approach to those tools, especially the Clock. Simply put, Buhler has updated icons, gadgets and controls (now called settings) to mesh more directly with standard Windows 10 and 11 UI stuff. It looks great, too.

Clock is simpler, sparer and feels less dated.

What Else Ya Got?

The changelog entry for 12/25 cites to updated graphics for “many gadgets, gadget icons, gadget grip buttons and the GadgetPack installer itself.” This is no exaggeration. The program is updated and refreshed throughout. The version number is now up to 38.0, too. For those who already use this tool, this is a must-have update. For those who’ve yet to take it for a spin, it’s even more worth doing than it was before.

A great Christmas present for Windows-heads everywhere. Thanks for your hard work, and a great update, Mr. Buhler!


Quick WinGet Post-Thanks Catch-Up

Today’s my first day back in the saddle after a blissfully long weekend. It started Tuesday, November 26 and ended this morning (December 2: 6 days). Interestingly it looks like most other outfits were lollygagging around as well. Indeed, I assert that’s why I had such a quick winget post-thanks catch-up.  Running over the fleet this morning, it averaged 6-7 updates (min: 5, max: 8, most 6 or 7).

Explaining Quick WinGet Post-Thanks Catch-Up

As I said already, I’m quite sure the fallow period that precedes and accompanies a major hiatus (or holiday) is the culprit. To me, that explains little or no change over the past 6 days. That said,  a little bit of everything shows up on update lists. That includes 7-Zip, CrystalDisk (Mark and Info), TeamViewer, Visual Studio, OhMyPosh and more. For me, they are all very much among the “usual suspects” when WinGet does its thing.

And I think there’s more like that to come. The frequency and heft of updates in the period from now until after 2025 pops in will no doubt drop. It’s a simple outcome of the way business gets done around the globe. I hope that gives me more time to play with other stuff. Why? I’ve got two loaner units from Lenovo — a ThinkBook and a ThinkStation — that I need to set up, review, and return to sender.

That should keep me busy, right? Glad to be back at work, and hopeful that 2024 may go out on a happy note. Let’s see, shall we?



PatchMyPC Home Updater Mini Annoyance

First things first: I’m a HUGE fan of PatchMyPC’s Home Updater product. Indeed, I got invited to try out the company’s latest version — an app-based implementation that supersedes PatchMyPC.exe — because I’ve written about it often and positively. In the interests of sharing my enthusiasm and support, I also have to report a recent PatchMyPC Home update “mini annoyance.” Let me tell you more…

What Is the PatchMyPC Home Updater Mini Annoyance?

It’s a Store app, so you must call it via the Start menu as “PatchMyPC Home Updater” to launch the program. But it’s NOT available in the Windows Store. Rather you must download it direct from the maker’s website, from the PatchMyPC Home Updater home page. If you try to find it in the MS Store, you get a big fat zip instead. Ditto for a search on “Patch My PC” as it appears here:

Only the website will do: the app is NOT in the MS Store.

Forewarned is forearmed, I guess. But gosh, it’s kind of a minor thing to add an app to the Store, isn’t it? C’mon guys: fix this sooner, rather than later. I applaud the new UI and the switch to a modern app style for this excellent tool. But please: finish the job and put it in the Store. Just sayin…


BIOS Update Demands Cable Switch

Whoa: this time, things got just a little bit TOO interesting. I’ve got a Lenovo P360 Ultra ThinkStation on loan, and a BIOS update came through today (to version S0JKT2AA). But when I would install the update, the usual BIOS flash screens did not come up after a reboot. It wasn’t until I swapped the graphics cable from the full-size DP to full-size DP port, to a full-size DP (monitor) to mini DP (PC) that the splash screen showed up at boot, and the BIOS flash ran through to completion. Thus, the BIOS update demands cable switch to succeed. Go figure!

How Did I Figure Out That BIOS Update Demands Cable Switch

By watching the post-reboot behavior on-screen, I realized it wasn’t showing me what it was supposed to. Basically, the screen stayed black post-restart until the lock screen for Windows 11 appeared. I knew I was supposed to see the boot-up splash screen (which reads “Lenovo” in white letters on a black background on this device). But instead: nada.

So on a whim, I brought down the video & power cables box from atop my bookshelves. Then, I grabbed a full-size DisplayPort to mini-DP cable and used it to replace the full-size DP to full-size DP I was currently using. Immediately thereafter, I got a splash screen and the BIOS update started processing. It took a while, but it eventually ground through to a successful update.

What About those Intel Graphics?

The next item of business was to get the built-in Intel graphics (UHD Graphics 770) updated. After a handful of failed attempts to get the Lenovo version to run, I visited the Intel DSA (Driver & Support Assistant) and installed that version instead. It worked. You can see the results for my final — and entirely welcome — update check using the Lenovo Commercial Vantage tool as the lead-in graphic above.

That was a wild ride. But indeed, that’s the way things go in Windows-World far too often, based on my current level of interest vs. fatigue. Today, fatigue wins out. Sigh.


24H2 Compatibility Holds Block WU

OK, then: thanks to Paul Thurrott, I think I know why my half-dozen Windows 11 23H2 PCs are getting no 24H2 offers. Among the half-dozen “Known Issues” that could bollix such an upgrade is an item named Fingerprint sensors might experience problems after a device is locked. And wouldn’t you know it: every one of my Lenovo laptops that could get the offer has one. And now I know: 24H2 Compatibility holds block WU from offering 24H2 to such PCs. You can see the issue label and first ‘graph of text as the lead-in graphic above.

When 24H2 Compatibility Holds Block WU…

One can always decide to upgrade forcibly if WU declines to make an upgrade offer. That’s what I did on the Lenovo ThinkPad P16 Mobile Workstation — which includes a fingerprint sensor and a Windows Hello IR camera. And indeed, it’s been running 24H2 since October 2 without issues or hiccups.

If you decide you want to upgrade ahead of WU offers, just be sure to make an image backup beforehand. That way, if anything goes sideways, you can reboot to WinRE and run a repair or rescue disk (Macrium Rescue Media, in my local cases) to restore that image. It takes 3-7 minutes to make such an image on my PCs, and up to 15 minutes to restore same. Well worth it IMO, to sidestep potential or actual trouble when needed.

In the meantime, I’m standing pat on my other Windows 11 23H2 PCs (both test and production units) waiting to see how long the compatibility holds will persist. If history is any guide, it’ll probably take another month or three before that happens. Stay tuned: I’ll keep you posted!


KB5043145 Throws Interesting Stopcode

Here’s one I’ve not run into before: Stopcode 0XEA. It shows up on BSODs as THREAD_STUCK_IN_DEVICE_DRIVER. The intro screencap show results running that stopcode against the MS error code lookup tool. Basically, it says a device driver thread is stuck in an infinite loop. (See the MS Bug Check 0xEA page for further deets.) Apparently, it’s showing that optional CU KB5043145 throws interesting stopcode and BSOD/GSOD  on some PCs. Notably, says WindowsLatest, that includes some 2022 and 2024 Asus laptops.

If KB5043145 Throws Interesting Stopcode, Then What?

If that happens to any of your PCs, you’ll need to boot to WinRE on bootable media, and use the “Uninstall Update ” item in its Advanced Options menu to uninstall it from your Windows Image. When a PC won’t boot because the image is damaged, that’s pretty much the only repair that works, short of a clean Windows (re)install.

Alas, this is eerily reminiscent of the July 19 Crowstrike update, which took down 8+million Windows PCs. Fortunately, it doesn’t seem to be anywhere near as widespread nor impactful as that incident turned out. That said, Windows users should be aware that this optional CU could force recovery and repair to undo. Fortunately, such updates do not typically affect production environments, where update get tested and vetted long before they get scheduled for some update window.

But gosh, it seems like we’ve run into rather more problematic updates that is typical in 2024. FWIW, the update hasn’t caused any trouble on those test machines here at Chez Tittel where I can make it run. Even so, it’s a great reminder to be careful out there in Windows-World…


OneNote Updates Sticky Notes

Here’s an interesting tidbit. If you install or upgrade OneNote on a Windows PC, it will also upgrade to a new version of Sticky Notes. Check the lead-in graphic: it labels this new version as such, and the old version (lacking that same (new) label)shows up in the Start menu. Hence my assertion that OneNote updates Sticky Notes. But wait: there’s more…

Exactly How OneNote Updates Sticky Notes

This dual appearance persists even after you add the (New) version via a OneNote update (or install). If you quiz that version for its About info, you’ll get the OneNote for Microsoft 365 info . It shows up as (line broken for WordPress readability, original is a one-liner):

Microsoft® OneNote® for Microsoft 365 MSO
(Version 2408 Build 16.0.17928.20114) 64-bit

OTOH, if you quiz the older version, it calls itself a UWP app with version number 6.1.20 (and a 2020 copyright date). Go figure!

Two Versions, or One?

If you want to keep both versions, that’s fine with me. If you want to lose the old version, I’d recommend using WinGet to uninstall same. The name of this app is “Microsoft Sticky Notes” so you need to enclose it in quotes (internal spaces) to get it to work. Or, you can uninstall it using the app id, as follows:

winget uninstall --id 9NBLGGH4QGHW

instead. Your choice. I did the latter on one of my X380 test PCs and it worked correctly. Now, I see only Sticky Notes (New) in the Start menu. Just for grins, I did likewise on my Windows 10 production PC: it behaves in exactly the same way, so this works for both OSes. Cheers!


Clean Chrome Winget Update

I see it all the time: Winget tells me there’s an update for Chrome availalbe. You can see that too, in the lead-in screencap. It shows that the target PC needs an update to version 128.0.6613.114. A quick peek into Chrome > Help > About shows it’s on …113 right now. On one PC, the winget command showed success but a dive into Chrome ran the update anyway. On the test PC from which the screencap came (includes the post-upgrade About Chrome info at right), I conducted an experiment. It produced a clean Chrome Winget update. Let me explain how that happened…

Ensuring a Clean Chrome Winget Update

For a long time, I’ve wondered if an active Chrome process running might stymie Winget’s updates for that browser. I think I’ve pretty much now proved that to myself. On a PC with one or more active Chrome processes running — and BTW, some persist even if you close Chrome after it’s been opened — the small Chrome updater window may or may not appear. If it doesn’t show up, the upgrade doesn’t happen. If it does show up, you may still have to visit Help > About to hit the “Relaunch” button to finish that job.

But if there are NO (zero) Chrome processes running on the PC when Winget tries to update that program, everything completes properly. It’s always been Winget’s practice to err on the side of caution and prevent updates from possibly affecting, damaging or losing user data inside a running app or application. I’m pretty sure that’s what drives this behavior here.

Reboot Before Winget Upgrade?

I’m tempted to recommend rebooting a PC before running  winget upgrade. But because plenty of apps and applications can (and sometimes do) run as startup tasks, this might not result in a pristine runtime that will ensure everything updates “just so.”

About the best one can do — including your humble author — is to close open processes related to targeted winget updates before turning its upgrade functions loose. And boy howdy, isn’t some kind of caveat like this the hallmark of a real-live Windows-World adventure? Hint: rhetorical question…
