Here’s an interesting observation. Winget will happily upgrade PowerShell from one version to the next, but things can sometimes get a little weird at the end of that process in a PowerShell window. As you can see in the lead-in graphic, a WinGet upgrade PowerShell shows cancelled at the end of that process. I opened a second PowerShell tab, then formatted it to appear beneath the open command session above. Notice the version number in the top reads 7.3.4 and below 7.3.5. That means the upgrade process completed successfully and PowerShell is running the higher-numbered version.
Interestingly, this doesn’t happen on all Windows 10 or 11 PCs. As I upgraded my local fleet from the old version to the new, this situation popped up on about half the machines involved. WinGet team lead Demetrius Nelon (@DenelonMs) explained things to me this way:
Yes, we have the same behavior when we use winget to upgrade winget via `winget install “App Installer” -s msstore –force`. We actually special case that scenario in the latest preview to show completion even though the process is killed which is what is happening in the upgrade PowerShell scenario.
What WinGet Upgrade PowerShell Shows Cancelled Means
Once PowerShell is updated the process where the upgrade happens appears unable or unsure what to do with itself. It’s apparently still running the old version in the top pane. But when a new pane opens below it shows the new version of PowerShell is running. IMO, that makes the “Cancelled” output an artifact of the bootstrapping process rather than a genuine error message. Indeed that’s a function of the “CTRL-C” like behavior of what happens as Mr. Nelon explained further:
Essentially the running process is “killed” [ctrl]+[c] equivalent. When the process is killed an exception is thrown. A child process would continue to run, however, so it actually completes successfully
And indeed, if you close the open Windows Terminal instance and open another one, it comes up with only 7.3.5 visible and available. I don’t know if others find this kind of thing interesting and entertaining. But gosh, I sure do. These little details are what makes working with the Windows OS and its supporting cast of tools — Windows Terminal and PowerShell, in this particular case — so interesting and beguiling.
Learn More About Windows Terminal
I’m about halfway through a series of articles on Windows Terminal for right now. Here’s what’s done so far:
Overview: Understand Winget: MIcrosoft’s Windows Pkg Manager
Part 1: Dealing with Windows Upgrade Issues
Part 2: Working with Winget Settings
Still to come, among other items, is a story on WingetUI, a GUI-based alternative to the native command-line Winget tool. Be sure to check them out!